Friday, April 11, 2008

So Much of a Good Thing

I just can't take it all in! So much sensory stuff bombarding me, I know I can not write about it all. My eyes saw the deepest blue skies over Joshua Tree National Park, the most gorgeous turquoise waters of the Pacific as they crashed onto the rocky shores, the starry nights, and the fields of blue and yellow wildflowers. I heard coyotes yipping and howling in the dead of night, the whirring of hummingbirds, cooing of quail and snorting of elephant seals. I have felt dusty, dirty, hot, cold, refreshed, hungry, satisfied, and scared. But the other afternoon I had a most wonderful peaceful experience. I was doing the driving over the Little Santa Maria Mountains coming into San Louis Obispo after a long day in the desert. The sun was setting ahead of us, the road just climbed, then dropped, wound around these unbelievably folded, green and flowered hills. I put on Enya music and it was lovely. I thought about how sweet little Claire was born just a year ago this week and how grateful we are to have her in our lives. Those miles and minutes were, like Claire herself, a true gift. I am getting to be such a softie! Actually, I wish I had a soft-serve ice cream to top off the sensory experience!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Truly, the California (and northward) coast is full of wonderful sensory experiences. Will you include the Point Reyes area? A wonderful place to ride your bikes.