Monday, April 21, 2008


Ten years ago we visited Bryce Canyon. So we almost passed it by. How glad we are we didn't! It will definitely be on our Top 10. We spent two frosty nights in our tent perched on the rim, but the days have been glorious.
The main feature of Bryce is these fire-colored spires of eroding rock that glow against the deep blue sky. And though I couldn't coax J out of her warm sleeping bag to look over the rim under last night's full moon, it was other-worldly.

Two related memories: J, who you likely know will strike up a conversation with the complete stranger behind her in the grocery checkout line, met her match at Inspriation Point. She turned to a group of tourists looking out at the hoodoos and asked if they were inspired. The Russians replied We do not know this word. What does it mean? And later, as we left the lodge after dinner, a suggestion to the couple (who turned out to be Frenchies) at the next table that they skip the main course and go directly to the hot fudge sundaes.
They stared at her as if she were nuts. What do you think? --DJN

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