Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Note #2: I have no more excuses. It is now operator errors. Pretend it is a video; what can I say? JN

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes a picture just doesn't do one justice. Both are true in this case. In the video to the left, a 'Blue Highways' first (!), I am singing a thousand words and it does not do justice to my talents. Well, musical talents, that is, because it is obvious I have not yet mastered the audio component of video. So, as you watch my performance, sing along to the theme from Mr. Rogers's Neighborhood: "It's a beautiful day in Galveston, a beautiful day in bunker land. If you like millipedes, crabs and gnats, then you can be my neighbor!" I am not complaining; Galveston Island State Park, smack dab on Texas's Gulf coast, was naturally beautiful in a wild way, the rangers were most helpful, and we were thrilled to have the 'bunker' option to tent campin on a stormy night. But, honestly, aren't these just the ugliest things you've ever seen? I saw one motorcycling couple almost join us in this deserted loop until the woman went into the bunker, quickly came out, had a heated discussion with her partner, and left. We were told our cozy cement cube had just been renovated. That meant we had screens, a broom and a light bulb. But I do have standards, low as they are, and despite seeing gorgeous roseate spoonbills and osprey, I could have done without the millipedes IN MY SLEEPING BAG and the land crab IN MY SHOWER! I am outta here! - JN


Anonymous said...

we missed seeing you guys this year :(
- the houston crowd

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the video! It's so much fun to look you up every day or two, to "come along" on your wonderful journey. You both write well and entertainingly. Of course, we're extremely honored and thrilled to be included!TUTU&RGS